This course taught me how to conduct research for the design and development of products,
services, spaces, and communications with a focus on the fuzzy front end of design. Building upon the research skills we developed in Design Research 1,  this second course addressed design research from a
participatory mindset: designing with people
Preliminary Experiment
This team project's goal was to plan, conduct, analyze, and report the results of a preliminary experiment that focuses on an experience. I had the opportunity to serve as a researcher and as a participant in other teams' experiments. My team's focus was on the perception of beauty.
Generative Toolbox
The primary objective of this assignment was to explore the Generative Toolbox website and then use the materials provided there to create a co-design toolkit with a focus on healthcare experience. My team and I conducted a co-design session with another team in the class using our toolkit based on the dental experience and reflected on what we learned. We also assessed the usability, usefulness, and desirability of the toolbox website.
Individual Co-Design Plan
This assignment was to create a plan for a hypothetical co-design project that demonstrated my understanding of the co-design process and the Convivial Toolbox: Generative Research for the Front End of Design by Liz Sanders and Pieter Jan Stappers. The plan was not meant to be executed but had to be feasible and have a manageable timeline.
Co-Design Team Project
The main focus of this experiment was to learn how to conduct design research in designing with people. The focus was on applying the mindset and the practices of participatory design in generating ideas and opportunities for future experience. We gained experience in interdisciplinary collaboration since the project was team-based and my team had members in the industrial and interior design tracks.

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